compilation [insubcdr01]
*various free improv*
This release is the 1st physical object from INSUBORDINATIONS.
A 93 pieces CDR limited edition, hand-made cover, including improvisors
from Swizerland (Jacques demierre, Diatribes, Christian Graf, Nicolas Sordet,Hervé Provini), France (Eric Pailhe, Sébastien Cirotteau), Canada (Minus3, P.O.W.E.R),Italy (Crashbonsai), USA (Fist of Kong), Brazil (Thelmo Cristovam, Túlio Falcão), Argentina (Criadero En Seres) and Portugal (Variable Geometry Orchestra).
COLLECTION D'UNIVERS SPONTANÉS is an uncomplete, unfortunatly, review of the INSUBORDINATIONS's friends, expoloring the improvisations multiple formes, accoustic, electronic, mix of the both.
release date: 11/2006
01. diatribes+c. graf+n. sordet - interstices
02. minus3+1 - face à la dérive
03. crashbonsai - jack in the middle of a lake
04. eric pailhe - pont de tolbiac
05. jacques demierre - broken cloud
06. criadero en seres - narices entre labios
07. hervé provini - concret
08. thelmo cristovam & túlio falcão - sem título
09. fist of kong - the viral staircase
10. vgo - at the bomba sucida
11. p.o.w.e.r - de la guerre